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莲花三太子千秋宝诞 (四月初十, 2017) – 从策划到晚宴 (5-5-2017). From planning to our temple’s annual dinner on 5-5-2017.
5 May 2017
Mr Amrin Amin MP for Sembawang GRC, Parliamentary Secretary for Health and Home Affairs with Master Robin Peh & Master Chris Seow.
Prayer for Heavenly God 2017 拜天公
28 Jan 2017 Year Of Rooster 农历正月初一丁酉鸡年 We Welcome Mr Amrin Amin, MP For Sembawang GRC, Parliamentary Secretary for Health and Home Affairs, In Visiting Our Temple & Joining Us In Our Prayer. 欢迎国会议员安宁阿敏到访.
Wishing You Happy Lunar New Year! 新年快乐!
Merry Christmas 2016
Tom and Ben’s Singapore Sling (Australia TV 7) – City God Temple 都府城隍庙15 April 2014
Dear Friends, Clients and Business Associates,
My journey had been more difficult than anticipated and it took me longer than I had expected. It took me twice(2x) the required time to complete my mission, 10 months instead of 5 months, this invaluable experience had been my most Challenging and fruitful time ever encountered and had changed the way I see the world.
The road may feel long at times, however, as I came to realize no one ever win an Olympic gold medal with a few weeks of intensive training makes the process of my personal renewal and developments so much easier.
Every great company, every great brand and every great career has been built bit by bit, step by step.
There is no magic solution. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
We need to find like-minded people if we are to reach our goals and spur on to greater heights.
I will tap into my inner energy and go where the energy is, to explore the infinitely possibilities of what the spiritual mind can achieve. This is God’s gift to me and it is what God has entrusted to me.
I will demonstrate my best in it to serve you better. This is going to be a major challenge for me and my team. In all sorts of fields, the accepted wisdom change from time to time. Knowledge is superseded. New theories, concepts and ideas spring up to replace even deep rooted ones.
Hence, I will identify those things that are important to do and those things I will do until they are done. Doing it one fulfilling step at a time and enjoying every bits of it.
I will be available for consultation from TODAY onwards.
In order for me to effectively deliver my work to achieve excellent results, those whom had fixed your appointment, please keep to your date/time allocated, unless it is urgent.
Be successful, being who you want to be and start making a difference TODAY.
Robin S C Peh 11 Jan 2016
日复一日,月复一月,时光在不经意间过了十个月。告别了我与同伴们珍贵的友谊和许多美好的回忆。经历过这段过程,我才明白一切远不及我想象的那么容易,也加深了我对宗教哲学的研究兴趣。我要感谢神灵的安排,让我在不知不觉中轻而易举的体验到许多意想不到的本领。从而“自知之明。” 我很荣幸能有此机会和多位高手过招,”故不登山,不知天之高也”,从而提升了自己的法术经验。学习不是一朝一夕的事儿。每个人都必须时刻进步,不断学习。在现代社会里,知识就是力量,知识要提高和挑战才能不断增长,我们才不会原地踏步。对突如其来的变故才能应对自如。
我对自己所要做的都有着很高的期望,也会在可以的范围内尽最大的努力做到最好给大家。我从今天开始投入全部身心为你们服务. 每天早上9am至下午6pm.